UNCO publishes terms of reference seeking a joint venture partner for the development and management of a refined products storage terminal

The Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) has published terms of reference for an expression of interest in the development and management of a 320 million litre refined products storage terminal to be known as Kampala Storage Terminal (KST). The Government of Uganda has, through its Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, acquired land near the city of Kampala for the purposes of the storage terminal.

12 Mar 2019 1 min read Oil & Gas Alert Article

Project Description

Upon completion, the facility will house tank farms and facilities for the storage and handling of petroleum products, including automotive gas oil, diesel, premium motor spirit, aviation fuel, liquified petroleum gas, heavy fuel oil and lubricants. The facility will also be equipped for the possible blending of petroleum fuels with both ethanol and biodiesel.

The KST will in addition:

  • act as a strategic facility and hold part of the national strategic reserves;
  • hold fuel on a commercial basis for distribution within central Uganda, and for transit to other regions of Uganda;
  • act as a receiving terminal for import products through Kenya and Tanzania and transmit same to parts of Uganda, Rwanda and Eastern DRC; and
  • serve as receiving terminal for planned refined-products pipelines from within Uganda as well as Kenya.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of EOIs is 10h00 East African Time on Tuesday, 9 April 2019. Interested parties can access the full terms of reference here. For any assistance, please email Sthembile Shamase of our Oil and Gas team.

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