The Sandton EcoMobility World Festival 2015

10 Sep 2015 2 min read Corporate Alert Article

CDH is committed to being part of the transformative change during the Sandton EcoMobility World Festival 2015

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr is fully committed to being part of the transformative change that will take place during the Festival, and to leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. Having said that, we are aware that the Festival may cause some disruption to traffic flow and delays.

As part of this we are working closely with the Sandton Management District to mitigate and minimise the challenges posed to our business operations and access to our premises during this period. As you may experience delays in accessing the Sandton CBD and our offices on Fredman Drive, we may ask to meet at your premises at your convenience, at an external venue or to hold Skype for Business meetings. Partners who are presently engaged in matters for you will be in contact with the relevant business unit and instructing parties to discuss options to relevant matters being progressed during this time.

Your CDH relationship partner, Attie, Brent or Gasant will be available to address any queries or concerns you may have in relation to these developments. We will also be posting updates on our social media channels and website.

From powerful partnerships come powerful solutions. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to being of service to you.

Kind regards,

Attie Pretorius

Brent Williams
Chief Executive Officer

Gasant Orrie
Cape Town Managing Partner


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