Njeri Wagacha provides a summary of the year's recordings

Njeri Wagacha provides a summary of the year's recordings
Njeri Wagacha provides a summary of the year's recordings
Every month CDH Kenya Partner Njeri Wagacha publishes a podcast 'Njeri Talks Law'. In this final podcast for 2022, Njeri extends her gratitude to her listeners for accompanying her on your journey and provides a summary of her 2022 podcasts.
Njeri recaps her conversations with:
- Alex Muchilwa, Head of Legal at Opibus, discussing the development and launch of Kenya's electric vehicles;
- Nicola Muriuki, Senior Legal Counsel at Tala, and Kevin Mutiso, Chairman of Board Digital Lenders Association of Kenya, delving into the regulation of digital lending in Kenya;
- Lady Justice Effie Owuor unpacking her inspiring legal career;
- Stephane Duproz from Cassava Technologies discussing data centres in Africa;
- Chris Mureithi, a Growth, Personal & Corporate Development Consultant at Novastar, talking about mental health;
- Reena Shah, Senior Legal Advisor at Nestlé providing insight into her in-house legal counsel role; and
- Ed Burbidge of I&M Burbidge Capital talking about the start of his career, moving to Kenya, setting up Burbidge Capital, and the merger with I&M Bank.
In addition, Njeri looks back on her conversations with Tim Fletcher, CDH's Chairman on a shaky start in law, "white privilege" and bridging the inequality gap. She also engages with CDH Kenya Partner, Shem Otanga on Data Protection Regulation in Africa.
Watch the vodcast below:
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